Instrumental Music






Upgrading Your Instrument

New String Teacher Information

Useful Links

Brass Resources

All brass players will need to make sure they have an instrument in good working order, including their own mouthpiece. Additionally, students need their own valve oil and slide grease. Suggestions are below according to instrument.


Please click the link below for the warm-up that is appropriate to your instrument.

Trumpet and Baritone T.C.

(French) Horn in F

Trombone and Euphonium (Baritone B.C.)

Bass Trombone and Euphonium

Tuba (in Bb)



Please do not purchase a lesson book ahead of time. Mr. Blostein will let you know what lesson book to purchase, if not provided by the school, once we have had a lesson or two.


Required materials

While the masic materials are required for regular maintenance of your instrument, the specific items listed are suggestions only. There are many alternatives to each item listed.


Mouthpiece - A Bach 3C Trumpet Mouthpiece is recommended.
Valve Oil - Hetman's is recommended valve oil (synthetic only)
Tuning Slide Grease

Please see this video as a reminder of how to give your trumpet a bath:

Suggested Items for Trumpet:

Straight Mute

Cup Mute

Harmon Mute

Trumpet Stand

Trumpet Scales with fingerings


(French) Horn:
Mouthpiece: Farkas MC or Schilke 31
Valve Oil - Hetman's is recommended valve oil (synthetic only)
Tuning Slide Grease

Horn Scales with fingerings (single and double. When double horn fingerings are listed - use them!)

Horn Fingering Chart


Mouthpiece: Schilke 51C4. Small shank for most trombones and baritones. A Bach 6 1/2 AL is an acceptable alternative if the student already owns this mouthpiece.
Slide Cream: Yamaha Slide Lubricant. I DO NOT RECOMMEND using slide oil - it does not clean well off the slide, and will build up causing more frequent repairs.
Tuning Slide Grease
For Trigger trombones -Valve Oil - Hetman's is recommended valve oil (synthetic only)   
Please see this video as a reminder of how to give your trombone slide a bath:

Suggested Items for Trombone:

Straight Mute

Cup Mute

Trombone Stand

Trombone Scales with slide positions


Euphonium / Baritone:
Mouthpiece: Schilke 51C4. Small shank for most trombones and baritones. A Bach 6 1/2 AL is an acceptable alternative if the student already owns this mouthpiece.
Valve Oil - Hetman's is recommended valve oil (synthetic only)
Tuning Slide Grease 

Euphonium / Baritone Scales with fingerings



Mouthpiece: Conn Helliberg (Standard).
Valve Oil - Hetman's is recommended valve oil (synthetic only)
Tuning Slide Grease 


Suggested Items for Tuba:

Tuba Stand

Tuba Scales with fingerings


Useful Links:
Mouthpiece Express
Mr. Blostein's Personal Website
ITEA (International Tuba-Euphonium Association)
ITG (Internation Trumpet Guild)
ITA (International Trombone Association)
IHS (International Horn Society)
Horn Lessons
Horn Matters
Dillon Music
Tuba Exchange
Doug Yeo's site (Bass Trombone)

Common Orchestral Excerpts